In-Game Mechanics

Dive deep into the heart of Loaded Lions: Mane City as we unravel the intricacies of its in-game mechanics. Consisting of strategic mechanics, interactions, and calculations, this section deciphers the elements that make our game immersive and captivating.

Prestige System

Every Business has a specific Max Level, and a particular logic to calculate its Gold and Diamond costs for the Business to get to its Max Level. Once the Max Level is reached, players will have the option to upgrade the Business’ Prestige Level, which is denoted in a medal icon. After upgrading a Prestige Level, the Business Level is reset to Level 1, and its previous Gold income and Gold costs are multiplied by a common multiplier, while Diamond costs to upgrade remain the same.

Before upgrading the Prestige Level, there are also other prerequisites that players will need to fulfil. Prerequisites include a certain Avatar Level and having a certain number of other Businesses placed on a Land or in their inventory that are of the same or higher in Prestige Levels. These prerequisites encourage the player to expand their empire, and will become increasingly difficult as players climb up the Prestige Levels. Below are further details on how the prerequisites interact with other components of the game:

  • Unrestricted Market purchase: There are no prerequisites to purchase any Business from the Market

  • Unrestricted placement: There are no prerequisites to place any Businesses on Land Plots

  • Prestige upgrade: The player have to satisfy owning a certain number of Business of one Prestige Level below the Prestige Level that the player is trying to upgrade to, as well as having achieved a certain Avatar Level

  • Gold Income debuff: When placing a Business where its Prestige upgrade prerequisites have not been attained, the Gold Income of that Business will be temporarily reduced to the highest Prestige Level of which the prerequisites were already met by the player. An example is provided below for a Player has an Avatar Level of 40, and have a total of 12 Prestige Level 19 Businesses on their Land or inventory:

    • Assume the Player then buys a Prestige Level 40 Business off the Market (Prestige Level 40 requires Avatar Level 47 and at least 21 Prestige 39+ Businesses for its full Gold Income) and placed on their Land Plot

    • The Prestige Level 40 Business will only produce an income as if its Prestige Level 20 of the equivalent Business Level (The highest Prestige prerequisite that the player satisfies is Prestige Level 20 – Avatar Level 40 and at least 12 Prestige Level 19+ Businesses)

    • The Prestige Level 40 Business will only produce an income as if its Prestige Level 21 if the player then attains Prestige Level 21 prerequisites (Avatar Level 40 and at least 13 Prestige 20+ Businesses); by owning another Prestige 20+ Business

Arid Plains

Arid Plains are the lowest tier of in-game Land, and unlike other Land, it does not have an NFT counterpart. Arid Plains are a part of in-game progression, players can unlock multiple Arid Plains, each costing exponentially more in-game currencies to unlock. It’s designed to help players generate more passive Diamond income over time. Players can increase the passive Diamond generation of all Arid Plains by holding at least one NFT Land as well. Arid Plains unlocked in the Normal Mode will also be unlocked in the Competitive Mode and vice versa; allowing players who play a single mode rigorously to benefit in the other mode as well.

Currency Units

Gold income scales exponentially in this game. To improve the readability of the quantity of in-game currency income and balances, the game introduces a specific logic for the abbreviations of units that quantifies these numbers; some examples are detailed below:

Abbreviations of smaller numbers that may already be familiar to most players;

  • 10^3 = 1K

  • 10^6 = 1M

  • 10^9 = 1B

  • 10^12 = 1T

  • 10^15 = 1Q

Higher numbers will be represented by lower-case alphabets; and if the alphabet representation is exhausted, one additional alphabet will be added, and the logic repeats;

  • 10^18 = 1a

  • 10^21 = 1b

  • 10^93 = 1z

  • 10^96 = 1aa

  • 10^99 = 1ab

  • 10^171 = 1az

  • 10^174 = 1ba

  • 10^249 = 1bz

Bonuses and Multipliers Interactions

There are two independent pathways that in-game currency can be affected on top of its base generation—Bonuses and Multipliers. All Bonuses are additively infinitely stackable; examples that apply Bonuses are Gold Boosters and Bonuses from NFTs. Multipliers on the other hand, as the name suggests, are multiplicatively infinitely stackable, an example of a Multiplier is the impact granted by the Prestige System, and the diminishing returns from having multiple plots of Land.

The equation form of the above is: Final Income = Base income x (1 + BonusA +...+ BonusZ) x MultiplierA x … x MultiplierZ

For example, if a Business has 100/s in base Gold income, with three sources of Gold income Bonuses of +10%, +50%, and +200% respectively, your total Gold income Bonus would be +10% + 50% + 200% = +260%, resulting in a total of 100/s x (1 + 2.6) = 360/s in Gold income.

However, if you then upgrade this Business to the same Business Level in a higher Prestige Level that provides a 4x Multiplier, and also shifted the Business to a plot of Land that applies a 0.5 Diminishing Returns Multiplier (or Land Multiplier) on Gold income, the actual Gold income from this Business would be 360/s x 4 x 0.5 = 720/s instead.

UI Display for Bonuses and Multipliers

In order to provide a simplified UI on how Bonuses and Multipliers are shown in-game, when you hover over a Business’ Gold income generation, the Prestige Multiplier is displayed as part of the Business’ Prestige base income, and the Land Multiplier is calculated as an additive impact to the rest of the Business’ Gold bonuses. Taking the same example shown above under “Bonuses and Multipliers Interactions” section, it will be displayed as:

  • Business’ Prestige base income = Business’ base income x Prestige Multiplier = 100/s x 4 = 400/s

  • Bonuses are listed as percentages from different sources = +80%, of which:

    • Additive Bonus source A = 10%

    • Additive Bonus source B = 50%

    • Additive Bonus source C = 200%

    • Land Multiplier (x0.5) = (Land Multiplier - 1) x (1 + Additive Bonuses) = (0.5 - 1) x (1 + 2.6) = -180%

      • In other words, the higher your additive Bonuses, the more negative the Land Multiplier (in-terms of additive Bonus) it will translate into; as it is applied multiplicatively to existing additive Bonuses

  • The actual Gold income would still be the same = 400/s + 80% = 720/s

Diminishing Returns Multiplier

Diminishing Returns Multiplier (or Land Multiplier) of Diamond and Gold income is determined by an underlying Diminishing Factor. For example, if the Factor is 90%, then the Multiplier follows this pattern:

  • 1st Land from the left = 90%^0 = 100%

  • 2nd Land from the left = 90%^1 = 90%

  • 3rd Land to the left = 90%^2 = 81%

Diamond Bonus Multiplier

Exchange rate to Diamonds will be affected by the Diamond bonus of a player. For example, if Base CRO to Diamond Exchange Rate is 1:50,000, Base Voucher to Diamond Exchange Rate is 1:60, player has 50% Diamond bonus, with a Diamond Bonus Multiplier of 200%, then the exchange rate is calculated as follows:

  • Base CRO to Diamond Exchange rate x (1 + Diamond Bonus x Diamond Bonus Multiplier) or in this case 1 CRO can be used to purchase 100,000 Diamonds

  • Base Voucher to Diamond Exchange rate x (1 + Diamond Bonus x Diamond Bonus Multiplier) or in this case 1 Voucher can be swapped to 120 Diamonds

If the net amount of Diamond Bonus falls below 0, the Exchange rate will be fixed at its original value (100%).

Ability Damage Calculation

All Effect Bonus calculations are additive (subject to diminishing returns of the same Tactical Gear Type), and those between Defence and Attack cancels out additively.

For Attack side of the equation, take an example of an Attacker who;

  • Wishes to use Veil of Venom, which has a Base Attack Effect of decreasing the Gold Income Bonus of all Common Businesses by 10% to 30%

  • Has 3 Venom Vials, which increases the Veil of Venom Attack Effect by (5% to 15%) x (60%^0 + 60%^1 + 60%^2) = (9.8% to 29.4%)

  • Another 2 Smoke Grenade Launchers, which further increases the Veil of Venom Attack Effect by (10% to 30%) x (60%^0 + 60%^1) = (16% to 58.8%)

  • The overall Veil of Venom Attack Effect has a;

    • Lower bound of 10% + 9.8% + 16% = 35.8%

    • Upper bound of 30% + 29.4% + 58.8% = 118.2%

If the attack was successful, a random number will be rolled in a uniform distribution, assume this to be 110%. Now assume that the Defender has an Attack active;

For Defence side of the equation, assume the Defender;

  • Used Gale of Safety to nullify the effects of Veil of Venom, which has a Base Defence Effect of 10% to 30%

  • Has 4 Poison Purifier, which increases the Gale of Safety Defence Effect by (5% to 15%) x (60%^0 + 60%^1 + 60%^2 + 60%^3) = (10.88% to 32.64%)

  • Another 1 Windstorm Turbine which increases the Gale of Safety Defence Effect by 10% to 30%

  • The overall Gale of Defence Defence Effect has a;

    • Lower bound of 10% + 10.88% + 10% = 30.88%

    • Upper bound of 30% + 32.64% + 30% = 92.64%

Again, a random number will be rolled in a uniform distribution, assume this to be 50%.

The Net Effect will be 110%-50% = 60%, the Defender will receive a -60% Gold Bonus additive to the rest of the Gold Bonus (e.g. from 200% to 140%).

  • The Attacker will also receive -60% x -70% = 42% of Gold Income Bonus on their Common Businesses for the same duration

    • If an Attacker attacks another player successfully, the Bonus received will stack together additively

  • If the Attack lands and Net Effect is calculated to be smaller or equal to 0%, it will be treated as the attack was blocked and unsuccessful and the Attack is not applied

  • If the Defender uses the Defence after an attack has successfully landed on them by an Attacker, they will negate the negative bonuses based on their roll, however the Attacker still gains the Bonus for the full duration of the attack

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